Megafood (Shanghai) Health Technological Co.,Ltd serves the Nutritional Supplement Industry with our products and develop new products for clients. Dependent upon your need, our products provide the consistent quality you are looking for with your tablet, solid beverage, pastry, gummy and jelly.
Thermotolerant Bacillus coagulans can be used in bakery, candy, and chocolate products.
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium can be used to produce nutritional supplement solid drinks and tablets.
Nutritional supplements of probiotic solid drinks and tablets can be customized.
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an important functional non-protein amino acid, which has biological functions such as enhancing brain vitality, calming nerves, regulating hormone secretion, improving lipid metabolism, and lowering blood pressure.
The thickening and emulsifying properties of tremella polysaccharide can be used to develop tremella noodles, tremella biscuits, tremella yogurt and tremella jelly.
By using the good rehydration of tremella polysaccharides, instant concoction products such as tremella jujube soup, tremella milk powder, tremella bean milk powder and oatmeal can be developed.